Monday, December 8, 2008

Reduce. Reuse. Object. Refuse - frugal living

Kristi and I have been trying to reduce our consumption and improve upon our urban perma-culture work. The main reason for becoming more frugal is money. The main reason for being more environmentally conscious is it aligns with our politics regarding capitalism and consumerism.

There is a great blog i read called Frugal For Life. They recently had listing of ways people are trying to live more frugal. Here is my contribution to that train of thought.

1. Shop at food co-ops and CSA farms when possible
2. Netflix instead of renting movies from video store
3. Buy some of our clothes and other items at thrift stores and yard sales
4. Drove a mini school bus that ran on used vegetable oil
5. Now just have one car instead of two (bus engine went)
6. Grow a good portion of our own food in an urban garden
7. Pay off our higher interest debts with a low interest loan from credit union
8. Sell off things we no longer are using
9. Torrent books and music
10. Follow a monthly spending budget for non-essentials
11. Bring lunch to work
12. Do our own home maintenance

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